Dear Friends,
Teri took a picture of pumpkins on the front wall. I love how it looks--so Autumnal. Of course we have to set them back up every day because Lindbergh seems to have a need to nudge them off and roll them around the yard every day. They make me happy because that means that we are still languishing in a beautiful Indian Summer here in Utah with only a slight nip in the air to remind us that Snow is on its way. We have actually had a few little blizzards already, but always followed by plenty of sunshine. I am still wearing flip-flops and am counting on the snow staying well up into the mountains where it rightfully belongs. Teri, on the other hand, has happily embraced the coming season by making a great and important purchase. She always peruses the little cookbooks that reside next to the cash registers at the grocery store, and generally purchases many of them as Christmas approaches. This year however, she made an emergency trip to Rite Aid where she found an excellent full size magazine of holiday cooking. She has made many of the recipes to serve at work, and I have to say that they are very yummy. We have had a good time picking things to try, and luckily enough for us, they have all worked out so far. The truly magical thing about this magazine is that when you go to the back cover and turn it upside down--you know, Martha Steward-like--there is an entire section of recipes to use with the pouches of sugar cookie mix. How lovely! So...if you are up our way on a Saturday, just stop by and see what the recipe choice for this week is. Yumm!
I know that Thanksgiving is only a week away, but I always feel a little bad that stitching for that holiday gets a little lost in the enthusiasm for Halloween. But we have some absolutely darling pieces and everyone has been excited with them. Here are a few to share with you. This is one of my favorite tiny pieces. Waiting For the Harvest is a wonderful pin cushion from the Blackbird girls. I just love how Teri has it stitched on the hand-dyed grey check with the dark thread. Isn't it quite cool? And of course it is finished perfectly.
And here is a fabulous little piece that Naomi-- a sweet customer of ours--brought in to show us and ended up leaving for a couple of weeks for us to display. It is Uber Turkey by Bent Creek. She worked it on a 14 count instead of the really big fabric and I think it is adorable. Just makes you smile.

But then so does the Lizzie Kate Thanksgiving Quick It. We have it stitched on a 10-count and made into a sweet pillow just perfect for the coming holiday. Plus, the added bonus is that you could do it before Thanksgiving. How fun!

I know that we all have a busy week ahead of us getting ready for next Thursday. I am hoping to write sometime next weekend, so keep your eye on the computer. We might be putting up some recipes for the holidays--if we ever stop cooking out of the new magazine. Oh and don't forget that our Christmas Open House will be on November 27--the Saturday after Thanksgiving--from 11:00-4:00. Teri and I just planned the treat menu this morning on our way to Salt Lake and it sounds quite delicious. Plus we have many fun holiday things ready for the day. Plus, plus we will have several new things that we have designed. Maybe a new book from Teri and I will have hopefully 4 new little kits--if all goes well. I have been having so much fun stitching this past month. So here is your personal invitation to drop by and enjoy our festive table and look at all our new Christmas offerings. Fa la la--see you there.
fondly, Tina
fondly, Tina