Mid December thoughts...
Dear Friends,
It is definitely mid-December, and Christmas is coming at me so quickly. Like many, I am always a bit fraught with conflicting emotions as the festive season approaches. There is so much about the holidays to enjoy, and yet for me they seem to come with a fair bit of stress. It started with a tire blowout on Christian's ancient car, followed by a tow to the garage and the happy news that the remaining 3 were in the same condition. Oh, Yay! Then when they serviced my car, they mentioned that my tires were shot. Better and better. And finally, Bob happened to let me know that his car was in desperate need of...new tires. All I want for Christmas......Then we got snow and snow and more snow. I know, snow is so Christmasy, and lovely, and cold, but it also wreaks havoc on roads and driving and getting absolutely anywhere in this city. So yesterday, traveling at the approximate pace of a snail, I blew out 1 of my windshield wipers on my way to work. I didn't even know that happened to wipers. Then after begging Teri to help with a children's pageant at my church last night, we headed home in the continuing snow, and the other wiper went the way of the first. Seriously?? And of course we couldn't even make it up my street because the plows hadn't been by all day and remember--my tires are worn out. We ended up abandoning the car and walking home. Then Bob woke me early this morning to tell me that a tree had fallen across the driveway. I just love Winter! So I went outside to investigate the damage and then crawled back into bed to sulk.
And that is the great thing about an extra linger in bed--it adds perspective to any situation. If my tires hadn't been poor, and we hadn't had to abandon it down the street, it would have been directly under the collapsed tree. Trees can be cleared away, tires can be replaced, snow can be shoveled and a new day often seems a little less dire. There is always Christmas bread waiting to be baked, a tree waiting to be decorated, and nativity sets waiting to be assembled. So cheer up Tina--Christmas is coming.....
(Tonight I gathered together a few candles and charged my phone since I am pretty sure that the power will be going out shortly)
I am hoping to write again before the first of the year, but sometimes my best intentions get waylaid. Remember that we will be having our New Year's Open House on January 1st from 1:00-3:00. We always have a great time with sales, and yummy food, and a few new things. Of course we will have our new Gingher Scissors and fob, and who knows what else may materialize. You will just have to drop by and see.
Happy Christmas to All
free pattern from us to you
Complete kit $14.00
includes 30 count linen, threads, buttons, instructions and a photo
White frame $30.00
Please note: the stitch count is incorrect on this graph it should be 50 x 80 stitches.
The cut size of fabric 9" x 11" is correct.
As this Christmas season is so quickly upon us, Teri and I would like to say thanks for a very fun year. You are all the best, and we so appreciate your friendship and support throughout this past year. You are the ones that make it fun for us to go to work each day, and we love to visit with you whether it is on the phone or here at the shop. So we designed this little pattern just for you this holiday season. You just need to go to the homepage of our website and near the bottom you will find the link to take you to the pattern. I hope that you will print it off and find a little quiet time during the craziness to stitch on it.
Happy Christmas to all of you.
I know that this is a very busy time of year, but I just wanted to take a few minutes to share some special new things which have arrived in the shop this December. Everyone at the shop has been having a blast choosing fabrics and threads and comparing with each other what they have found. So..if you are in need of a new project to see you through the rest of the month--just give us a call. Teri has gathered fabulous linens for each of these projects, and of course we have the perfect threads ready and waiting. We even have a few of the tins for the Sweet Shop pin cushion.
Merry Two
limited kit by Plumstreet Samplers
Merry Ewe
by Plumstreet Samplers
tins available for $3.50
Merry Brew
by Plumstreet Samplers
Very Merry Santa
by Lizzie Kate
partial kit:
French Country Santa
by JBW
pattern: $8.00
So it is late, and I guess it is time to truly wish you a very Merry Christmas. My hope is for all of us to set aside our stress and take a few moments to enjoy the lights, the music, and the love of friends and family. Eat a cookie, light a candle, sing a carol, and watch a movie. Close your eyes in the dark and try to capture the anticipation and true joy we felt as children.
Hugs and love from Utah to you. fondly, Tina and Teri