It's already Thursday, and I thought I would write a quick note before I head off to Parent/Teacher Conferences. I hope you are all weathering this cold and icy weather. I finally had a night last evening when I could just sit and stitch the whole night long. It was most lovely, and I actually go a lot accomplished. I am hoping for another one tonight. If I do, then Purple Snowman may be finished and on its way to completion. Our Sundance run is finally over and of course I am a little sad and a little happy. We saw 4 movies this year and they were such a mixture of types. We saw and very fun animated--clay--film from Australia--Max and Mary. It was not for children as it dealt with many adult themes--autism for one. We all loved it and the thoughts of making it were somewhat mind boggling. The director and producer were there to answer questions afterwords and that was super interesting. Then we saw a movie--sort of a documentary--called Before Tomorrow. This was about the Inuit people and was in Inuktituk with subtitles in English. I know--I have all the spelling wrong. Anyway it was very fascinating, but grim. Honestly, I didn't warm up for days. Then last Friday after going up to the University in Logan--an hour drive up a mountain in a cloud--for Christian's Region swim meet, we had a double feature at Sundance. An Education--a British film--was my favorite of all. I think it was done by the same person who did another of my favorite movies--About a Boy. The second one was called 500 Days of Summer, and we all loved this one as well. It seemed like a chick flick--but I guess it was sort of an anti chick flick. But lots of fun. Every movie we saw was jammed packed at the theater, and every director who talked said that our venue--the Egyptian Theater in Ogden--was the most beautiful they had been in. Yay!! So there you go--we have one up on Park City. Now I am ready for a while of boredom with lots of time for not-boring stitching.
OK, I just have to say it. Wasn't it fun watching the Inauguration? I was just glued to it and I thought it was so much fun. I thought her dresses were so beautiful and I think it is so much fun to have little kids in the White House again.
Nancy and Sue have been working hard on the Lizzie-Kate Halloween banner and it is very darling. Teri was supposed to take Nancy's picture yesterday, but I think they both forgot. So watch for it on the blog next week. The have been having so much fun, and I can see why. We just got LaDDa's Daisy heart back from Jill and it is so darling. I think we have the picture down below so be sure to take a look. It turned out bigger than I would have guessed which is good for a framed picture. I love it!!!
Teri has been very busy and has 2 new darling patterns ready. I think there are pictures somewhere for each of them. Be My Valentine seems to be part of a series she is doing. It is sweet and perfect for February and features a darling button especially made for us by Cecile at JABCO. The other leaflet is Scatter Snowflakes. It is just right for this time of year when it never seems to stop snowflaking. Don't you think the colours are just fresh and fun? Keep scrolling down to see the pictures of each of them. Both of them are ready now, so don't hesitate to give us a call.
Well, I have to go, so I guess I'll leave you to your stitching and hope you are warm and cozy as you read this.
Until next week--fondly, Tina