Spring, 2019
I am always astonished by the beauty of Spring. It is such a lovely and unexpected gift after a long and grueling winter, and it creeps up so quietly that I am always surprised by its appearance. We have had an overabundance of water--snow--this year, so we are suddenly blessed with vivid green lawns and splendidly brilliant spring flowers. Teri has already planted peas, radishes and carrots in our little urban garden at the shop, and we already have tomatoes and cucumbers ready to go in. I wanted to plant our cherry tomatoes last weekend, but Teri said no. Then, today it was sort of sleeting as I left work, so I guess she was right. We have a mountain stream which cuts through our backyard, and right now it is just barreling down. At night we can hear boulders bounce down the river bed washed along by the sheer volume of water. I love years with lots of water--which is often not the case lately--but it always brings back memories of when my boys were little and we had to watch them like a hawk around that little river. For some reason, it was such a magnet for them in the spring even though it rushed past in such a torrent with water of barely melted snow.
But for now, I am enjoying it all. The cool days, the vibrant colors, and the promise and threat of a hot summer to come. It is all good.
At the shop, this is definitely the time for travelers to stop by as they journey to and from the west coast, or up to the national parks or down to our own fantastic southern parks. It is such a favorite time of the year for all of us. Next week Utah will be celebrating the 150 anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad linking the eastern part of the United States with the west. The "Wedding of the Rails" happened about 30 miles to the north of Ogden and there will be lots of festivities and celebrations. I wish my Christian were here.
Another really great thing to celebrate in Ogden, is an unexpected arrival last week of an army of green, electric scooters that have appeared downtown.l Yay! They work a bit like city bikes and you can pay to ride them and leave them wherever you want. Yay! I am not quite sure who the target audience is for these little conveyances, but I bet you can guess who is enjoying them the most. More the young than the young at heart. Yay! They are only legal to be ridden on the streets, but of course they are only being ridden--at breakneck speed--down the middle of all the sidewalks. Yay! All riders are supposed to wear helmets--not included in the rental--but I have decided that it is the pedestrians who should be strapping on their helmets. Yay! It is going to be a fun filled summer in downtown Ogden, that's for sure.
But don't let the Lime Scooters deter you. In fact, if you take the train up to Ogden this summer, hop on a scooter and ride on over to see us. :) Otherwise, just stop by and see all the fun new projects that we have to keep you busy over the coming hot months.
Ogden is a great place to visit, and we would love to see you.
Adorable new magnetic needle minders
$12.50 each
We just unpacked these little cloisonné needle minders from Flamingo Toes, and they are so sweet. Our Sister Sheree brought us both one as a gift, and Teri tracked them down for the shop. Everyone here has her favorite one...and luckily each of us has chosen a different one. Personally, I always use a minder to park my needle, because it is just easier and more efficient. I have the hedgehog and am trying it out at home tonight.
Travel display
Last week, Teri was busy putting all of the Easter projects away and redesigning the front of the shop. Her Travel table turned out perfectly and everyone has been enjoying it a lot. We have had so many travelers visiting this past month, that it has been fun to see them look through all of the treasures in this display. Thanks, Teri...so much fun.
Pretty Little Paris
by Satsuma Street
Leaflet $11.00
We have had such fun with the Satsuma pieces during this past year or so whether they are the quirky little scenes, or the fun cities that she designs. After market, Teri embarked on this picture of Paris, and she was completely obsessed with it. My husband, Bob, who is an architect was a bit surprised by the colors of this piece, but honestly it turned out to be amazing. Paris is one of her favorite cities, and we had fun reminiscing as she stitched each little building. (Sadly, she was just working on Notre Dame the night it was burning.) If you have a favorite place and want to stitch it--just give us a call.
Open Road Abode
Chart $10.00 (includes 4 designs)
Teri found this great new company this year at market and came home and immediately stitched 2 of them. Yellowstone and Trailering in the Tetons. The are very retro and combine the camping look with western national parks. Honestly they remind us so much of your childhoods. We get lots of travelers on their way to the northern parks, that is fun for them to get a great little project to stitch on their way. I think everyone should date them when they are finished and it would be the perfect souvenir or a trip well spent.
They have many other adorable camping charts and postcards as well
by JBW: $12.00
We must be on a Paris kick right now.
This sweet little French alphabet is the perfect spring project. We stitched it with the most fabulous Threadgatherer silk, and it just has that lovely, faded old look of a gentle Paris afternoon.
Jack Frost's Tree Farm
by Little House Needleworks
Charts $9.50- $6.50 There will be 7 charts
There is just nothing like a Little House Christmas series. This year's Jack Frost project is turning out quite brilliantly. Each new little section is such fun and it is working up quite quickly. I guess that means that the months are passing quickly. Nancy usually stitches these projects for us, but she broke her shoulder (in 3 places) and she can't stitch for a while. Poor Nancy. So...our friend Jacklyn, is super kind to let us borrow hers while she waits for each new pattern to arrive.
Thanks, Jacklyn! We also have an automatic program for this fun series
Stitched things at the shop
Holiday Hoopla
by Brenda Gervais
Easter Hoopla Chart $ 12.00
OK this turned out so adorable. When Teri said she was finishing it in a hoop, I was very dubious. But it turned out so sweet. The next Holiday Hoopla is arriving any day. Please give us a call if you want us to send them out to you automatically- We can send just the chart, or add the linen in 40 (called for), 36 or 32 count. We are stitching ours on 32 count and we have the perfect size hoop for it. We also have the 3" hoops and larger in both cheap wooden and lovely more expensive hardwood hoops. If you are on auto with us, Teri will pick out the perfect paper to cover the back of your Hoopla hoop.
The Flock
by Samsarah
$ priceless
(12 Charts and buttons $125.40)
This piece has been an ongoing project for a number of years. It was originally released in 12 installments, and Teri completely changed the colors. A friend started stitching it for us, and then couldn't finish it, finally, our niece, Erin, finished it for us and brought it in over the Easter holiday. I heard her talking to Teri about it, but I didn't actually see it until this past Saturday. Honestly, I couldn't even believe how darling it was. It has such a lovely sentiment and the colors and the little birds and flowers are sweet and funky and quite wonderful. We sell the patterns in the sets of 12 or we can put together a complete kit for you. What could be a better sweet, summer project.
Quaker Tray
by Brenda Gervais
Leaflet: $12.00
We loved this little piece at market and have had it stitched for the shop. We will probably frame it and it will make such a beautiful little piece. I think it would be a lovely wedding sampler with the added initials of the bride and groom. Hmm, now if one of my boys would get married.
by Heart in Hand
Card withy buttons: $8.50

We just love a great summer Tula pillow, this one is ready for the gal who finishes our pillows.
It is bright and fun and perfect for a beach or mountain project.
You can see the finishing fabrics off to the right.
Our garden is peeking out.... Here are Teri's peas, just starting, they might like it more if it would stop snowing/ sleeting
by Heart in Hand
Card withy buttons: $8.50

We just love a great summer Tula pillow, this one is ready for the gal who finishes our pillows.
It is bright and fun and perfect for a beach or mountain project.
You can see the finishing fabrics off to the right.
Our garden is peeking out.... Here are Teri's peas, just starting, they might like it more if it would stop snowing/ sleeting
Happy May Day!!!