Autumn, 2017
Hi Friends,
Welcome to Autumn in Utah...
We had so much snow last winter and a little bit of rain this past month which seems to have made our changing leaves positively breathtaking. Everywhere I look the colors are paintbox perfect. A week or so ago, we took a ride up in the mountains to look at the leaves, and we all wanted to stop the car about every quarter of a mile to look at another view. By the time we reached the little restaurant at the end of our journey, they had sold out of all their food.
Teri has spent October photographing a Norwegian maple in the back yard as it quietly moved from brilliant green to red to orange to yellow. And now the leaves have almost all dropped leaving bare branches readying to catch the winter snows--and a backyard knee deep in leaves. It is funny how fallen leaves don't hold the tempting magic for me now that they did when I was a child. Bob and I looked a bit despairingly at them out our bedroom window this morning and both of us missed the days of little boys and a dog who liked to help get them under control--and then out of control. That is the one sad thing about the season progressing--the thought that Winter will be here before we know it and with it the cold and snow. I think that this year we have all been especially aware of the powerful forces of Nature in this world of ours. I have often felt sort of in the middle between the terrifying storms and floods of the Southeast and the infernos of the West. Then on top of that, I've been reading about the volcanic activity of the Yellowstone caldera, as well as something colliding in outer space, and I have begun to feel very small on this planet of ours. So that is when I just have to find a good Jane Austin movie, and my stitching, and maybe even a diet coke to attempt to bring solace to my soul and joy to my heart.
Richard's Stocking
by Shepherd's Bush
chart $9.00
charm pack $20.00
kit also avaiiable
Finally, I think that this little overdue baby is almost here. I had such a great time all summer stitching this, and I got such a nice early start, and then I don't know what happened, but it became October and it still wasn't finished. is at the printer right now, and we have been working like crazy on the charm packets, so I think we are almost there. Yay!
The photography is a fun part of our stocking leaflets. Our friend and professional photographer, Robert Casey, comes to us and spends the afternoon getting the photograph just perfect. We thought you might like to see a behind the scenes look at setting up the stocking photo. This year we set it up in the back yard of the shop where the weather was breezy but perfect. Robert sets up his array of lights and screens--cords are everywhere. Teri and I set up the display, and then Teri fusses and straightens and moves things around to get the shot just right. It takes most of the afternoon, but I think they have a great time out in the backyard where it is quiet--most of the time.
She checks the framing of the stocking to see that nothing is in the picture that shouldn't be there. One year her hair was in the shot as she was holding on to Oliver so he wouldn't move, and Robert had to edit her hair out. This year, luckily all was good and the photo looks great.
She is not really taking the shot, just checking it all out.
The pattern is off to the printers and we hope to have it in our hands soon.
For those of you who never get enough of Halloween, this next part is for you. Teri has gone a bit crazy this year with new halloween stitchings for the shop--thanks to our wonderful stitchers: Nancy, Penny, Amy, Erin, and Linda. We have had some fantastic new pieces stitched. Reeta has given Teri the cut off on having more Halloween stitched, as we are running out of room. But I think I saw her pulling another one together on Friday--when Reeta had the day off. But to be fair, hasn't October just flown by. I am sad to see it go past so quickly. I always want September and October--and June, July, and August for that matter--to linger so much longer. Oh well, this is the point when I get in the mood to get stitching on Halloween things, so maybe this part is really for me.
Spirits and Spells
by With Thy Needle and Thread
Chart: $12.00
kit available
Jill just brought this over, and I love how it turned out Don't you just think it is perfect? We stitched it on a great piece of Picture This Plus linen. So sweet.
Halloween Sheep
by Nikiscreations
Chart: $14.00
kit available
Halloween and sheep, what could be better than this!!!
Happy Halloween
by Jardin Preve'
Chart: $
We stitched this darling piece on a spooky linen from Picture this Plus. We added buttons, and I think Teri tweaked the colors.
Fall Frolic
by Scarlett House
Chart: $12.00
This is such a wonderful piece for fall. I love the squirrel holding a pumpkin. The squirrels in my yard go a little "nuts" this time of year, collecting all the acorn and the black walnuts they can find. They stash them in any container they can find, and if I leave my car in the driveway they fill the windshield wiper well completely full of nuts. You would think they would get a hint when their secret stash of nuts drives off each morning.
by Nikiscreations
Chart: $14.00
Such a gentle and soulful piece. This might be my choice for this year.
by Cricket
Chart: $8.00
Jen and her friend are stitching the Cricket seasons on 18 count linen. They are turning out just great. We stitched ours on a 30 count and it is much smaller, but there is just something about this larger piece that really makes a statement. I love it.
Autumn Blessings
by Chessie & Me
Chart: $12.00
This is a sweet harvest piece from Chessie. We are borrowing it from Linda, and it hangs across from the front counter. Everyone loves looking at all the details.
Quaker Noel
by Bent Creek
Chart: $9.00
Teri has had her eye on this one for a while. and she finally asked Nancy to stitch it up for us. She changed the colors, added buttons, and had it stitched on a fabulous piece of dyed linen.
New charts from Paulette at Plum Street Samplings
We have just unpacked these this week and are getting them pulled together. We have very fun linens at the ready and and can also make complete kits of anything you might like.
Hello Fall Blackbird Fraktur
Chart: $ 10.00 Chart: $14.00

Heritage Sampler
Chart: $18.00
We LOVE this piece. Paulette taught it at our retreat last year, and it has been most anxiously awaited. Pilgrims, George Washington, Abe Lincoln and the White House. It has something for everyone. Don, who was in Paulette's class last year, finished his and received a blue ribbon in the state fair. His beautiful piece is below. Thanks, Don, for sharing.
Merry 3 Merry 2
Chart: $ 10.00 Chart: $ 10.00

Teri has sent Merry 3 off to be stitched--that holiday cow is so adorable.
Early Americans Series
by Little House Needleworks
Charts: $6.00 each
Here are the latest two ornaments from this darling series. We have had so much fun with them. If any of you are doing them all together, send me a picture, and I will post it here.
They would be great all stitched together in one piece.
They would be great all stitched together in one piece.
Cupcake Ornaments
This sweet gal was visiting from England and was looking for cupcake patterns to stitch for a tree her WI ( Women's Institute) was preparing for a fundraiser. We found her a SamSarah pattern, but she has put her own holiday twist on them. She has stitched so many of them, and she was here only a few weeks. We have had such a great time visiting with her and watching her progress.
Good luck with the fundraiser!!
Lastly--but hardly least-- we have finally signed the contracts with the Canyons for the Shepherd's Retreat next year.
The 2018 Retreat will be Monday October 15-Wednesday October 17th
The shop open house will be Friday October 12th and Saturday 13th.
We are excited for these new dates and a little change-up of days, and we are now in the midst of planning the best retreat ever. That is all the information we have for now, but keep watching the blog and website in the next few months for more info.
And finally, I hope that your Fall will be blessed with the harvest of the garden as well as the harvest of blessings. In the midst of this difficult world, take a break from the news and take instead your needle and thread to bring solace to your soul. Somehow--that always seems to work.
ever fondly, Tina..and Teri