Ewe Be Well
3 April 2020
Here is a little pattern which we just finished to give you something to smile about. It is free for you to print and stitch. If you go to our home page on our website, you will find the link that will take you to the pattern. Teri decided to finish it in a 4" hoop and she even painted it a dusty purple for me. Isn't this the wish that we hope for everyone.
Earlier this week, I noticed that the pussy willows were --well whatever you call it when they burst open with yellow seeds. Ok, I am not a botanist, but I love this pussy willow plant dearly. Other people watch for croci or daffodils to mark the coming Spring, but I watch for the pussy willows to appear with their lovely, grey buds. Bob usually cuts a few stems and brings them into the house and I can't resist touching the furry buds as I walk past, A bit like touching a talisman, reminding me of my childhood. When I saw they had turned yellow, I thought how very strange. We are in this crazy world of fear and isolation, scurrying here and there, avoiding all humans. And yet, Nature continues on in its own trajectory, doing all the things it is supposed to do--melt, bloom, quake--with no regard for the dread and worry going on about it. This planet just keeps on spinning and revolving, from night to day, from winter to summer, leaving us to our worries and joys. And maybe that is good, reminding us that it will be alright.
Teri just unpacked more beautiful linens from Picture this Plus. They are all her market colors, and they sold so quickly, so now we have more. The colors are just yummy,
From top to bottom, Faun (lighter than oaken), Tidal (greenish teal), Vellum- just pretty, Havisham- (purplish gray). All are so lovely. We have 32 count, 36 count, and 40 count. and a couple in 28 Lugana- Vellum and Havisham, I think. I know Teri is sending out a new Halloween piece on the 32 Havisham.
Cross Stitch patterns from Flamingo Toes
These are so sweet, and they match her needle minders, isn't that great?
Enjoy The Journey Chart $9.50
Needle Minder $12.50
Happy Camper chart $9.50
Needle Minder $12.50
Happy Christmas Chart $9.50
Needle Minder $12.50
Sew All The Things Chart $9.50
Needle Minder $12.50
When the Boys were sent home to work and stay there, Teri sent their darling girlfriends some cross stitch kits to do in their spare time. Christian's sweet Anne had never stitched before, and she really liked it. This is her 2nd project and it looks absolutely perfect. I am so excited! Honestly, stitching is the perfect way to spend these long, lonely hours stuck in our houses. The perfect way to chase worries away. Just don't turn on the news while you are stitching.
Peace and wellness to each of you this week.
fondly, Tina
Window Shopping
Wednesday, March 25th
Hi Friends,
How is everyone holding up out there? Great? good to hear it. I go from being positive and enthusiastic, to feeling a bit grim and desperate. But then, Teri reminds me that it is all going to be ok. Yes, Pollyanna, let's do play the Glad Game. Our sister--who has been home recovering from knee surgery a few weeks ago as well as trying to self-isolate--said she was very excited about tomorrow. She was picking up a diet coke from the kitchen and spending the afternoon in the living room. That made me laugh.
We have been busy answering phones and working on mail orders, and it is encouraging to hear voices from all over the world and hear that all of you are ok as well and doing your best to keep busy. One common thought from everyone is that stitching gives such comfort and keeps your mind focussed on something other than news and worries. So..I say Let's Stitch.
I think Teri is going sort of nuts out in the front of the shop. She misses all our customers and is always excited when someone comes for a porch pickup. Usually, that means talking through the windows, holding up fabrics to choose, and showing different colors of threads. So today when I finally drifted out to the front, I could see that the windows were completely covered with something--a bit like an art show. She decided to tape up a whole bunch of our new market patterns so that people could come by and window shop. It was kind of fun, I have to admit, and people who came by had a great time looking and choosing new projects. Life is so interesting right now,.
Oh well, stay safe out there in the world.
Cook something fun for dinner, start a new book, begin a new project, and rent Emma for 48 hours. Teri watched it 5 times and loved every minute of it.
Here are our front windows filled with market designs.

Here are a variety of one of a kind needle minders.
Needleminders by Shakespeare's Peddler
Metal needle minders by Michele Ink
Quilted needle minders
$22.00 each.
Needle minders by Flamingo Toes
Wonderful necklaces
These wonderful necklaces are mostly made out of scraps of old needlework they are so beautiful.
Thistles charts
Spring: $7.20
Star Village: $11.60
Hilltop Village in Spring: $11.60
Little Dumpling Travel Bag: $11.60
These are so sweet. I think we are having a couple of them stitched.
Here is a display of some of our 10 count kits, you can see more of them on our website. They are the perfect project for bored teenagers, stir crazy stitchers, or beginners. They range in price from $12.00-16.00 and are complete kits.
Kids Kits
$12.00 - 18.00
If you have beginner stitchers, or young kids that want to start stitching, these are the perfect kits. The patterns are marked onto the fabric, and they are stitched with perl cotton. Check out our website for all of the designs.
Spring display
For those of you that are longing for spring, it is snowing here as I write this.
These projects will bring joy to your soul. Give us a call and we will kit any of these up for you and send them off. Or come for a porch pick up.
Bless Our Land
by Plum Street Samplers
chart $10.00
Jill just delivered this and we love it.
Teri's Lemon Tree
Teri has this little lemon tree, and she loving cares for it, bringing it in each autumn and outside in the spring. It has so many blossoms on it right now, and she is hoping for many lemons. Last year she grew 3 huge lemons... it took an entire year, but they were delish.
Wednesday, March 18
Hi Friends,
The world seems off kilter, and every day takes an adjustment and acceptance of our "new normal." Who would have guessed a month ago that phrases like self quarantine, social distance, or shelter-in-place would be so common in our vocabulary today. Here in Utah, we were woken up early this morning by an earthquake, which increased our unease in this uneasy world. Our block at work was eerily deserted. Of course we were closed, as were our neighbors, and even the familiar sounds of construction on a building on the corner had stopped. Debbie, a friend of ours in Salt Lake, texted Teri: It's a good thing it's too cold for locusts. That made me laugh. As our work day at the shop progressed, friends from here and from all over texted--with hearts-- and called to make sure we were ok. It definitely brightened a grey, rainy day, and made me think that it will take all of us uplifting each other to get through this. I know that we can. Somewhere in our hearts, there are funny things to be shared, encouragement to be fostered, and love to be given in abundance. We can do this!
Here are 3 books that we have read recently which were wonderful--funny, a few serious parts, but delightful and hard to put down. I think all of these I listened to on Audible while driving or stitching.
Dear, Mrs. Bird--by A. J. Pierce (Teri's pick)
Secrets of a Charmed Life--by Susan Meissner (Lynnette's pick)
Orphan Train--Christina Baker Kline
There is nothing like immersing yourself in another time, to escape the worries of our own time.
Teri has put up some pictures to look at below. If you want to see market things, go back to our last blog and scroll down. Lots of inspiring things to peruse.
Just remember--stitching is the best way to keep a happy heart. Tina
Here is our center display with so many fun projects.. We are lucky enough to borrow Paulette's gorgeous piece Shepherd's Song. We are thrilled!
Shepherd's Song
by Plum Street Samplers
Chart $
Top- zipper sampler bags- $14.00
Sampler Tea Towel -$
Sampler notebooks- $4.00
Here are some wonderful new things from Needlework Press
New Company- August Lane

These were so cool. Teri just loved all of them. We can't decide which one to have stitched
New scissors from Dinky Dyes
Top to bottom Sun, snowman, Candy corn, Tie Dye
Be Calm and Stitch