Midsummer Blessings
Dear Friends,
I am home this afternoon on this state holiday. It is usually a day filled with early morning parades, farmer's markets, barbecues, and fireworks. But this year, everything has been canceled. Here it is, almost August and we are still living in this strange, surreal world of pandemic. When Utah sheltered the end of March, it was going to be for 2 weeks, which extended into a month. And now it has been 4 months...Like most other states, Utah has sort of re-opened, and now we are paying the consequences. All of us struggling with what is the best and safest road to move forward on. So we continue at the shop--open, but not actually open. And yet, this is working for us. We talk to people from all over the world who are also dealing with this scourge, and it is inspiring to share their stories, their frustrations, their determined energy. Teri helps people who stop by all day through the front window, through the door, from the sidewalk. Sometimes it is a delivery of packages to the front step or the open trunk of a car. A very odd way to run a business--but humans are resilient, masks are good, and life is still rich with blessings.
So..I am enjoying my quiet afternoon at home today sitting in the back yard and hoping to catch a breath of a breeze. Teri is cooking, and Bob is playing the piano, and I am listening to rustling pots, and gentle music and tender birdsong. The past number of years, we have had crows who seem to have chased the songbirds away. But this year, the large birds have not been in our neighborhood, so Teri and Bob have put up bird feeders during this time at home, and they have attracted a plethora of feathered creatures. It has been a lot of fun to hear them in the mornings and evenings. We eat dinner outside where it is a bit cooler and watch the finches and hummingbirds flit back and forth between the feeders and the trees. Maybe it is one of those collateral blessings to be home all the time and noticing the world we are in. At least that is what I am saying to remind myself that I don't really miss movies, or plays, or restaurants, or concerts, or family, or friends, or..............
I have read a lot during this time. I have a good friend who has been reading the 800 page book that inspired the musical, Hamilton. She is always texting me that she is lost in the 18th century and might not be coming back. It makes me laugh. But I have been sort of lost in the 14th century myself these past several weeks. (I worried a bit that I might have to face a plague, but, oh yeah, I'm already in one.) My life has occasionally crossed paths with an anchorite who lived in the 1300s--Julian of Norwich, At different times, I have read books about her, read her meditations and visions, listened to her music, and I love her. During April, Teri and I often laughed that we felt like anchorites locked all day alone in the shop, and sometimes kind people would leave us treats in the basket when they came to pick up orders. It always made us smile, and made me think of Julian. Then the past few weeks, I have been reading a book that takes place in modern day Norwich and there she was-- a whole section about my girl.
I was reminded of something that she wrote 700 years ago:
"All shall be well, and all shall be well."
Thanks, Julian.
Those are the new words of my heart.
I don't know about you, but stitching has brought me such joy during the past few months. I have long lamented that there just wasn't enough time to stitch--too many things that demanded attention and distracted me from needle and thread. I still don't think I have an abundance of time, but it is definitely enough. I almost don't resent my "empty" evenings these days, and sort of cherish the extra time with my needlework. And perhaps that is a little blessing of these times.
More moments to be still and ponder and reflect. And stitch...
New from Shepherd's Bush
Liberty and Justice Pin Cushion
Kit: $20.00
A little pin cushion for this summer and these times. I loved working on this lovely 32 count overdyed grey/blue linen. Kit comes with cotton overdyed threads, linen, patterns, buttons and hand dyed chenille by Lady Dot
Find Joy
Kit: $16.00
Teri has designed this sweet new 10 count kit to help remind us things are ok. We will get through even this strange journey and enjoy our time in a slower quieter world.
Thoughts off Home
Chart: $6.00
complete kit also available
This adorable chart celebrates our time at home with family and loved ones. The button is a special hand made buttons we sell (you can get it from your local shops, too)
Home Sweet Home Button
Be True to your Heart
Chart: $10.00
Button pack: $ 9.00
32 count Fog linen: $9.00
Complete Kit: $58.00
This has been such a great new pattern for us this summer, It is happy and sweet.
New Stocking for 2020
Here is a little sneak peak of the new stocking. I am having a great time working on it and I hope you will just love her. More anon...
New at the shop
So much to see and be excited about
Retro Stork Scissors
$7.00 each
These sweet scissors just arrived and they are such happy colors.
We Live in Hope
by Blackbird Designs
Book $20.00
Teri was hanging this Blackbird book up on the front window, for window shopping and spied this sweet sampler. It was not made to commemorate the landing of the Mayflower (400 years ago this November, 1620-2020) but she has had such a great time stitching it. She added the date and slightly changed the words. When she gets it framed, we will do a display of all our Mayflower patterns to inspire you.
Halloween Magazine
New from Plum Street Samplers
Summertide Blessings
Chart: $12.00
Fabric: 36 count Virginia Beach brew
This brand new fabric from R & R is winging its way to us. Hoping to have it by Wednesday, I'll tell you more about it when it comes. Such a quirky and darling piece.
Summer Hill
Chart: $12.00
All the girls at the shop love this sweet piece. We all loved Autumn Hill last fall, and this is a perfect companion ..
Nightshade bird
Chart: $12.00
A fun drum to stitch for summer.
Grace On Thee
Chart: $12.00
I love the symmetry of this piece it looks majestic and fun to stitch.
Coming soon
New from Brenda Gervais
These are in the mail to us as we write this. Please give us a call if you would like us to send you one or all three. We have the linens as well as the threads. Everything you need to get going on your Fall stitching.
Hilda Boo and Sunflowers too
chart: $12.00
36 count fabric $ 9.75
We love this darling witch. We even have the deep gray/black linen in 36 count and hopefully will have 40 and 32 shortly
The Witches Brew
Chart: $12.00
36 count Heron Grey linen $ ?
Little spoon charm-$2.00
We have ordered the little silver spoon. It is coming soon as well
Autumn Gatherings
Chart: $12.00
36 count linen-$ 7.25
This is a new seasonal series called the gatherings
We have the linen cut and ready. It is so sweet.
Women of the Mayflower
Women of the Mayflower update
We are supposed to receive our kits sometime the end of August. We have the fabric and thread sets bundled and ready (thanks to Teri and Lynnette), so we will send them out to you as soon as possible.
If your credit card has changed, please give us a call and update it. So exciting!
Garden update...

After an unseasonably cold June, our little urban garden has started producing so many fun things. We loved growing broccoli this year. After harvesting 4 huge heads which we ate every night for 2 weeks, it now sends up tiny little brocclettes, and we roast them with olive oil, salt and pepper- yum! Tomatoes have just started and the cucumbers are not far behind...Ahhhh salads for the rest of the summer. Teri is such a faithful and patient gardener, that I am going to give her a blue ribbon in every category, I feel a bit like the little red hen--she does all the work, and I am happy to enjoy the literal fruit of her labors,
Harvest blessings abound.
I hope this week that you may stumble upon little blessings during your walk through this worrisome world.
Enjoy the gifts of the moment, stay safe, and be well in your little corner of this earth.
And remember this: All shall be well, and all shall be well.
Tina and Teri